Start Planning Your New Year’s Resolution

You don’t have to wait until the stroke of midnight to decide on your New Year’s resolution. You need to start as soon as possible to insure you have the perfect one or ones to make the coming year better. At least one of those resolutions should include a way to make your life healthier and commit you to a lifestyle change, whether it’s becoming fitter, weight loss, quitting smoking or other bad habits or getting more sleep at night, anything that decreases your risk of serious illness and increases your overall good health is excellent.

Losing weight is often the New Year’s resolution chosen.

America is now obese in epidemic proportions. In fact, obesity is the leading cause of preventable deaths, surpassing even cigarette smoking. In a list of the most obese nations, America ranks number one, followed by China—which is a shocker—and India—another shocker. The Chinese and Indian obesity rate is mainly in the city and blamed on the new fast food restaurants and processed food. In other words, they’ve Americanized their eating. Shedding extra pounds leads to decreased risk of serious illness and improves health. Bringing the New Year in with a resolution for weight loss is a good idea, but you need to plan your strategies to start off with a boost. Consider using the services of a personal trainer to help.

Getting back into shape can improve your health and rev up your energy.

No matter how thick or thin you are, if you’re not fit, you probably feel exhausted from minor exertion. A program of regular exercise can help you conquer exhaustion, slim and tone your body and leave you feeling exhilarated. While you can start a program of regular exercise on your own, it’s far easier to start with the help of a professional, such as a personal trainer, who will create a program especially for your goals, level of fitness and special needs. If you’re on a budget, start with a trainer and as you become fitter often branch off on your own, using the trainer’s expertise less frequently.

Quitting smoking can be a boon to your health, but can create other problems unless you’re a step ahead.

Every doctor will agree that quitting smoking will help improve your chances of living longer and reduce the risk of serious diseases. However, people who quit smoking often find themselves eating more and craving sweets to replace the instant boost in energy a cigarette gave them. That leads to a worse problem, obesity. If one of your New Year’s resolutions is ceasing smoking, consider starting a workout program and professional nutritional advice to help prevent weight gain. Exercise also burns off the stress hormones created by the desire for cigarettes.

Lack of sleep can take its toll, but if you suffer from insomnia, what can you do that doesn’t include popping a pill? Working out regularly can help you sleep better at night and improve your health in both ways.

A healthy diet is extremely important for longevity and wellness. Learning how to eat healthier might be your resolution and a nutritionist or personal trainer certified in nutrition can help.

Substance abuse is growing and the horrible effect on the health of the individual with the problem ages and weakens the person with the problem. If you’re struggling with an addiction problem get help. Exercising on a regular basis can also help you develop a stronger will and lift your spirits by giving you a boost of endorphins, dopamine or other hormones that make you feel good.

If you find yourself depressed frequently and want to be happier, it may not be out of your reach or come with a prescription label. Studies show a program of regular exercise can help lift depression and make you feel better.

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